Rules & Regulations

1-Manners habit of obedience and order neatness in student and punctuality are required at all times in school.
2-During working hour’s orders and silence is to be kept while around the premises, running shouting or playing inside the school building is not allowed.
3-A Student must carry his/her school planner (School Diary) to school daily.
4-Students should be proud of their uniform. They should be clean and neatly dressed.
5-Attendance in the morning assembly is compulsory. Exemption from assembly will be granted on medical ground only.
6-Students should observe polite manners wherever they go. They should greet their teachers wherever they meet them.
7-It is expected that students be a manner which bring a worthily name to the school community.
8-Building and use of foul language are punishable offences they should not indulge in any anti social activity in or side the school.
9-The school extension of their home and students should respect school property. And damage of school property will be changed after identifying the miscreant.
10-House spirit should be respected by students.
11-Students should not miss any period in the class.
12-The students are advised to keep their class room and their campus as neat as possible and throw left over and paper bits in the dustbins only.
13-The principal reserves the right to suspend /Rusticate or to take strict disciplinary action against a students who violates rules/indulges in any of indiscipline or whose conduct harmful to school.
14-As regular attendance for successful working a previous written application for leave or a note from parent in the dairy must be in variable be sent. Fore seen leave of absence should be applied and get sanctioned before hand by the principal.
15-Name of the student who remain absent for 15 days without leave , shall be struck off and on registrations of the readmission fee 50 will be charged from an absentee.
16-Please ensure every day that your children take with them Tiffin box pen & books to school. Parents are requested to check home work written in their diaries and ask them complete it. Parents Co-operation is needed also equally important in the academic field.
17-No requested for change of name and date of birth would be entertained.
18-No noise should be made by the students while going and coming down the stairs.
19-They should maintain strict silence while moving from one class room to another class room.
20-Habitual neglect of studies using foul language , stealing causing damage to the school property to malpractice in the examination writing on walls one sufficient reasons for immediate dismissal from the school.